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" Children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness, the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. 

....And remember, mindfulness can be fun."




Collage art is a great way for children to connect with nature and be creative at the same time. To make an eco collage, you can use materials that you find in nature, such as leaves, twigs, rocks, and flowers. You can also use recycled materials, such as old magazines, newspapers, and cardboard. Encourage children to look closely at the natural world around them and collect interesting materials to use in their collages.


To create an eco collage, start by gathering your materials and deciding on a theme for your collage. You can then arrange the materials on a piece of paper or canvas to create a unique and interesting composition. Use glue or tape to attach the materials to the paper or canvas. You can also use markers, crayons, or paint to add color and detail to your collage.


Encourage children to be creative and have fun with their eco collages. They can add their own unique touches and let their creativity shine. As they work on their collages, they can learn about the natural world and develop an appreciation for the environment.

Mindfulness breathing is a simple and effective way for children to become more familiar with their own breath and to use it as a tool to calm their mind and body. Here is a short bedtime mindfulness breathing exercise that you can try with your child:


  1. Have your child lie down in a comfortable position, with their head on a pillow.

  2. Ask them to close their eyes and focus on their breath. Encourage them to breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth.

  3. As they breathe in, have them imagine filling their lungs with fresh, clean air. As they breathe out, have them imagine releasing any tension or stress from their body.

  4. Encourage them to focus on the sensation of their breath and to notice any changes in their breath as they breathe in and out.

  5. If their mind wanders, gently guide them back to their breath.

  6. After a few minutes of mindfulness breathing, have them continue to breathe slowly and deeply until they fall asleep.

By practicing mindfulness breathing, children can become more familiar with their own breath and learn how to use it as a tool to calm their mind and body.

Mindfulness Journaling is a practice that combines mindfulness and journaling to help children become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here are some tips for incorporating mindfulness into your child's journaling practice:

A "journey of victory" journal is a type of journal where children can record their successes and accomplishments. This can be a great way for children to celebrate their achievements and to feel proud of themselves. Here are some tips for encouraging kids to keep a journey of victory journal:


  1. Provide your child with a journal or notebook and some writing utensils, such as pencils, pens, or markers.

  2. Encourage your child to write about their successes and accomplishments, big or small. This could include things like getting a good grade on a test, completing a difficult task, or achieving a personal goal.

  3. Encourage your child to be specific and detailed in their writing. Ask them to describe what they did, how they did it, and how they felt.

  4. Encourage your child to use their journey of victory journal as a tool to celebrate their achievements and to reflect on their progress.

  5. Encourage your child to write regularly, perhaps setting aside a specific time each week to record their victories.

  6. Offer support and encouragement as needed, and celebrate your child's successes along with them.

  7. ​

A journey of victory journal can be a great way for children to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments. Encourage your child to give it a try and see how they enjoy it.


A gratitude journal is a type of journal where children can write about the things they are grateful for. This can be a great way for children to cultivate a positive attitude and to appreciate the good things in their lives. Here are some tips for encouraging kids to keep a gratitude journal:


  1. Provide your child with a journal or notebook and some writing utensils, such as pencils, pens, or markers.

  2. Encourage your child to write about the things they are grateful for, big or small. This could include things like the people in their lives, the things they have, or the experiences they have had.

  3. Encourage your child to be specific and detailed in their writing. Ask them to describe why they are grateful for these things, and how they make them feel.

  4. Encourage your child to use their gratitude journal as a tool to reflect on the good things in their lives, and to cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

  5. Encourage your child to write regularly, perhaps setting aside a specific time each day to record their gratitude.

  6. Offer support and encouragement as needed, and share your own gratitude with your child.


A gratitude journal can be a great way for children to cultivate a positive attitude and to appreciate the good things in their lives. Encourage your child to give it a try and see how they enjoy it.

A "journal of how you respond, not react" is a type of journal where children can reflect on their reactions to different situations and learn to respond in a more mindful and thoughtful way. This can be a great way for children to develop emotional intelligence and to manage their emotions more effectively. Here are some tips for encouraging kids to keep a journal of how they respond, not react:


  1. Provide your child with a journal or notebook and some writing utensils, such as pencils, pens, or markers.

  2. Encourage your child to write about a situation where they felt a strong emotion, such as anger, fear, or sadness.

  3. Ask your child to describe how they initially reacted to the situation, and how they felt in the moment.

  4. Encourage your child to think about what they could have done differently to respond more mindfully and thoughtfully. Ask them to describe how they might have responded in a more constructive way.

  5. Encourage your child to use their journal as a tool to reflect on their reactions and to learn from their experiences.

  6. Encourage your child to write regularly, perhaps setting aside a specific time each week to record their thoughts and reflections.

  7. Offer support and guidance as needed, and encourage your child to continue learning and growing.


A journal of how you respond, not react can be a helpful tool for children to develop emotional intelligence and to manage their emotions more effectively. Encourage your child to give it a try and see how they enjoy it.

A "journal of what you appreciate about yourself" is a type of journal where children can reflect on their positive qualities and characteristics, and learn to appreciate themselves more. This can be a great way for children to build self-esteem and to develop a healthy sense of self-worth. Here are some tips for encouraging kids to keep a journal of what they appreciate about themselves:


  1. Provide your child with a journal or notebook and some writing utensils, such as pencils, pens, or markers.

  2. Encourage your child to think about the things they appreciate about themselves. This could include things like their talents, abilities, personality traits, or accomplishments.

  3. Encourage your child to write about the things they appreciate about themselves in their journal. Ask them to describe why they appreciate these things and how they make them feel.

  4. Encourage your child to use their journal as a tool to reflect on their positive qualities and to learn to appreciate themselves more.

  5. Encourage your child to write regularly, perhaps setting aside a specific time each week to record their thoughts and reflections.

  6. Offer support and encouragement as needed, and share your own appreciation and admiration for your child.


A journal of what you appreciate about yourself can be a helpful tool for children to build self-esteem and to develop a healthy sense of self-worth. Encourage your child to give it a try and see how they enjoy it.

For Fun Kids Mindfulness Crafts and Activities Ideas :

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